How much will it cost for an interior design by SA1 Interiors?

SA1 Interiors offers a bespoke design package, tailored to clients’ personal needs.  So it’s not so straightforward as giving the package a price.  However, prices can start in the range of £300-£700 per room in a residential project, depending on a variety of factors.  

The pricing is done as a package rather than an hourly rate, with a fixed list of ‘deliverables’.  This means clients know what the price is from the start.  However, the quote is based on an estimate of how many hours it is likely to take, which is why the initial discussion is needed so that the scale of the project can be assessed and an accurate quote given. 

There is no charge for the initial discussion, this is a free chat to establish the needs of the client, but more importantly to see if SA1 Interiors can be your partner on the project.  The chat can take place however you wish, phone, zoom or even over a coffee locally in Swansea, Neath and surrounding areas.  

When pricing a project, there are several things to take into consideration.  Firstly, there is the detailed consultation, which takes approximately two hours, sometimes a bit more.  This is then followed by measuring up the room, taking pictures and all other details to commence the project.  

The design begins once all of the above is gathered.  The full design process includes many layers and several hours of research, drawings, amendments and further review consultations with the clients. 

Every project is different in some way; every client has different needs.  A hallway would require a lot less time than a kitchen, for example.  A new build property would require more time than a property that needs a refresh.  

Whilst quotations are given as accurate as possible, sometimes the scope of the project can change, in any direction, for any reason.  However, all of the information on what is included, will be in the Agreement of Services, which is the contract between SA1 Interiors and the client.  So anything that falls outside of original scope is stated clearly in writing so the client has very transparent information when beginning the project.  

The non monetary value you get can also depend on why you are seeking help in the first place, but here’s a few benefits:

  • Saves hassle

  • Saves time

  • You get a great looking space if you can’t think of ideas yourself

  • You can get on with work and life whilst someone else takes care of the renovation

  • Someone is able to put your ideas into reality

  • Holiday renovations get done faster and with the return on investment in mind

  • Commercial projects result in more business

  • You don’t need to argue with your spouse over the details of the furniture ;)

I hope this helps explain how the pricing works at least.

**UPDATE FOR 2024 - Card payments are now accepted, making it more accessible to hire and interior designer.

Please do get in touch if you would like to discuss your project. An estimate will be provided free of charge once you have provided me with the details. 

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“I just want some ideas, really”


What a year…or I should say, 16 months!